How clear and focused are you on where you want to go, why you are headed in that direction and what actions are needed to get there? And how clear and aligned is your team on this picture and plan?
Without a thought-through, documented and shared business plan, businesses are less efficient, and efforts and money are often wasted. A business strategy does not need to be a long drawn out process for small businesses and by spending some quality time thinking through these questions there can be a clear pay-off across business units.
'Art of War' by Sun Tzu
"In the midst of chaos there is also opportunity."
Some basic questions to ask:
‘who are we?’ ‘why do we do what we do?' 'where are we going?’ ‘why do we want to go there?' ’how will we get there?’ 'what challenges might prevent us from getting there?' ‘how will we know when we are there?'
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